Der Arbeitsplatz von Rach Smith
Willkommen zu Ausgabe #26 von Le Bureau. Heute mit dem Schreibtisch von Rach Smith.
Rach Smith is an Australian web developer that works for CodePen. She is a wife and mum to two small kids. In her spare time she likes to share her writing and other creative endeavours in her digital garden at

Welcher Gegenstand darf auf Deinem Schreibtisch nicht fehlen?
I have to have my “work headphones” (AirPods Max) and a beverage - either coffee or water.
Gibt es eine Software, die für Deine Arbeit besonders wichtig ist?
Visual Studio Code is my code editor of choice, there are some extensions that I have absolutely come to rely on when working with the CodePen codebase.
Notion is our team’s daily driver in terms of project planning and task management.
TablePlus is my favourite app for working with databases.
Ist dieser spezielle Ort nötig, um arbeiten zu können – oder geht es überall?
It is my preferred place to do CodePen related work., but it isn’t necessary. I share a home office with my husband so when we have a Zoom call at the same time I’ll often pick my MacBook Pro up and take it to another room in the house to do the call.
Le Bureau
Dirk Hesse,