Leaflet alpha - lists & questions for you
Hi all, we've been hard at work improving Leaflet, and we'd love to see any delightful documents you make @ leaflet.pub!
Hearing some great feedback so far, please keep it coming. We love seeing what you make with it and hearing how the app can be better.
Reminder, our WIP dev notes live in this doc.
The big new thing we added this past week: lists!
But not just simple markdown lists — this is more a legit full outliner. You can multi-select blocks, indent / outdent, copy-paste…and you can nest any blocks (like links & images), not just text.
You can even move things around (cmd-shift-up/down) — and this works not only for list items but for ALL blocks on a page. AND you can toggle to fold / unfold lists (cmd-shift-enter). Still to add: checklists :)
Let us know how it works and if you run into any issues!
Other recent fixes / improvements:
The first block of a page now defaults to h1, to make more clear how to give a doc a title
New shortcut: cmd-k for adding an inline link
Simplified the toolbar a bit & added tooltips for block / text options
Fixed a few glitches with selection, focus state, and scrolling
Right now we're working on a doc homepage — a place to view all your leaflets so you don't lose em. Also thinking about draggable blocks, and maybe exploring some new page types (collection? canvas?)
Y'all have suggested many other good ideas…to be honest, more than we'll be able to get to in the near term! We'd love to hear your top requests, and in particular:
What's missing that'd let you make an awesome doc right now? Like, we add feature XYZ, you'd make something with it tomorrow?
What's missing that'd make you comfortable recommending Leaflet to friends for all their delightful document needs?
Speaking of…we added some musings here, things we’re thinking about as we build Leaflet. Curious if you agree on the jank vs. joy tradeoff?
Please reply with any thoughts!
Brendan / Jared / Celine