Fall in Love, Not in Line.
Do You Want to Do Some Witchcraft?

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Do You Want to Do Some Witchcraft is intended as my ongoing contribution to the sharing of folk magical practice with probably some writing recommendations. Whether you're developing a practice, are an experienced practitioner, or are just morbidly curious, this newsletter is designed to be my virtual kitchen table.
So grab a beverage, any cup is fine.
Some background about me
(Feel free to scroll past the resume if you don't care).
I'm a long time practitioner, actively studying magic for over ten years both in groups and as a solo practitioner. I've studied with the Temple of Witchcraft out of Salem, NH (Level 3 from their mystery school) and I make scrying mirrors and divination tools.
I've also been broke, sick, and lovelorn and care about people who are broke, sick, and lovelorn. Witchcraft is a practice for the people, and in a systemically unkind world, I've gotten a lot of practice in.
Let the real stuff begin
We're heading into the romance season. The days are still short, the weather is grim, and all we want is to eat chocolate and be told we're incredibly hot.
Love magic is debated on ethics for what I would consider puritanical reasons. There is the concern of agency, that if you make someone fall in love with you that's somehow violating their ability to choose who they want to be with. I think that's probably a little dogshit. For one thing, the likelihood of a spell that is built on 100% lies (like becoming their whole ideal in antithesis to yourself) falls on the spectrum between Unlikely and Unsustainable. But a lot of the hostility around love magic seems to be targeted at heterosexual women (other kinds of people seem to be skipped due to erasure).
Either they are being too weak by wanting a romance or are manipulating men do things they don't want to do (like leave their wives).
Love magic’s representation in film, because most films about witches are romances or horror films, are a direct discussion of love in a traditional world. Women as tricksters when it comes to their attractiveness (value) is treated with greater contempt than just about anything a male character could do. And I think that’s all a very very interesting analysis on the country I live in and its relationship to relationships. I do not, however, see it as compelling commentary on love magic itself and I roll my eyes at the panic around love magic because the inherent issue seems to be, “is it manipulation to consider myself lovable? Or to need love?”
Love magic is old. And it serves a lot of purposes. It can be about charisma, attraction, lust, persuasion, and survival. Love magic is not frivolous, it has stakes. It can be really useful to make friends, build confidence, and fortify a relationship. It can provide security, comfort, and empowerment.
It’s fine to want to be loved.
It’s fine.
There is revolution in connection. Isolation is the default.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I have love magic on the brain. I love things like scents and oils used to create magic and to have meetings go well, sweeten arguments, and help me win over crowds when I perform.
I’m currently making this attraction oil and it should be ready by February 14th. I wear it on my neck or pulse points for meetings, on my thighs for dates, and use it after showers to help me feel more body confident.
Now, let’s talk about herbal associations. Many herbs can mean many things depending on location, culture, etc. I believe in the good ol’ fashioned Sniff Check. When I don’t know what I want to put in an oil, I go to my wall of herbs and spices, unscrew the lids, and start sniffing. I encourage you to do the same. Even if what sparks your attraction is your McCormick mesquite seasoning, no judgment. What attracts you is attractive. I personally prefer rose, cornflower, maybe a little gold leaf, and copal with a personal tweak that makes it distinctly mine. I encourage you to add something that you think represents you - an herb that is dear to you, a type of geode that you love, or draw a symbol on the lid that means love and attraction.
Attraction Oil
A jar
1 cup of base oil - I like Olive Oil or Jojoba Oil
½ cup dried herbs - the ratios of what you put in are yours to determine
Step One: Wash your workspace. I never want to. I always want to just set up my stuff on a dirty surface and expect magic to love me anyway. But clear space is not only good for the mind, but safer for you and your oils. So wash your counters.
Step Two: Play some music that you like. Something romantic. Bust out your Michael Bolton or Megan Thee Stallion, and feel joyful. One of the things about attraction is that it’s less effective when it’s anxious, so try to be calm while you set your scene. Ritual is just a theatre production, so get creative.
Step Three: Envision attraction. Is it romantic? Friendly? Sweet? Polite? Passionate? If you’re not as mentally visual, write some thoughts down on a slip of paper and set your jar on top of it while you work.
Step Four: I’ve used a cup of oil here because it’s a nice whole amount but feel free to tinker with the amount if you don’t want this much oil hanging around. Add your herbs to your jar and be sure to make this yours and distinct. I tend to add a star anise to most of my projects, like a calling card. Or for food magic I add some paprika for my ancestors. What’s something herbal that you always come back to? Add a little of that to your mix. Then pour your cup of oil over the herbs, cover with a lid, and give it a good shake.
Step Five: As you're shaking your jar and letting the oil really get to know your herbs, keep focusing on drawing people in. If that’s a nebulous thing, sing along with whatever music you’re playing. Make it an invocation to the attractive parts of yourself.
Step Six: Store in a cool, dry space for at least two weeks and then feel free to wear or use to anoint candles.
Go get ‘em, tiger.
Got questions? Topics your want to see me talk about? Got some success stories you want to share? Reply to this email and send them my way!
Find me by sending a crow to the only streetlight in the smallest town you've ever heard of.
Or by checking out my website laureneparker.com