Why Tucson Comic Con means soo much to me...
re: Help CBR's Kevin Melrose Pay for Stroke Recovery GoFundMe
I’m a special guest at the 14th annual Tucson Comic Con. I will have limited copies of TMNT: Splintered Fate #1, Beyondtopia Legends, La Voz De MAYO, Creepshow, and Helm Greycastle. I hope to see you so we can make more memories at this special event.
I’m lucky.
When I was a kid, I knew in my defective heart that I was going to write comics.
I would surround myself with comics in every conceivable fashion. They were in my bedroom, living room, and bathroom. Yes, I would leave comics in the bathroom, hoping someone in my house would read them. But all the comics I spread around the house would end up in my room where they belong. I would forget my textbooks and homework, but my backpack was stuffed with comics.
Now, they pay my bills. I’m constantly surrounded by comics I write and create. I recognize that is a privilege in countless ways. But it’s been said that staying in comics is more challenging than breaking in, and I have found that to be true.
As I pack up for my trip to my hometown, I can’t help but remember the people who have brought me to the dance. There is no Henry Barajas without Tucson Comic Con.
I took my sister, Deborah, to TCC 14 years ago. Before TCC, we had gone to Phoenix Comic Con back when it was in Mesa. I’ll never forget it because our mother left us in Phoenix to see her boyfriend in Tucson. I was 18, and Deborah was 17. I was already used to the responsibility of being the more mature person in our single-parent household, but this upset me. This was back when our cell phones were just phones for texting, so I had to call the hotel we were staying and get directions. I remember a homeless person offering to escort us because it wasn’t safe to wander the mean streets of Mesa in 2007. That soured our first con experience.
But we went to TCC on our own. It was in a cramped, non-airconditioned ballroom that wasn’t even connected to the hotel that has been since demolished and rebuilt as a fancy Aloft Hotel. But I was elated to see that my hometown could foster such an event. An event that celebrates the medium that beats blood into my bum ticker.
I stalked Mike Olivares and cornered him at a Gamestop to let me help him grow the show. He agreed to meet me formally, where all his business meetings were held: a pizza place across the street from his place of employment. I don’t know why he said yes because I wasn’t qualified to do anything in any real professional capacity back then. But I was grateful for the experience nonetheless.
We spent most of our free time going to comic shops, music events, local businesses, and various charity events to spread the good word in Southern Arizona. Mike had a solid foundation with his family and wife, Teresita. Mike and Teresita literally gave everything they could into this event that was practically free to attend. Major comic cons offered Mike considerable money to buy the show, but he declined because it meant that much to him. TCC is under the direction of Brian Pulido and Francisca Pulido, and they’re doing a terrific job.
I consider Mike a brother and friend. I’m honored to know him and to have worked beside him for three years.
I have spent my entire adult life at comic book conventions all around the world. I can say with complete sincerity that this is my favorite show in the whole world. TCC has helped me grow as a person, community leader, and comic book writer.
If you can help…
Longtime CBR comics journalist Kevin Melrose suffered a stroke this past June. His mother has started a GoFundMe to help pay for his medical bills. Kevin has highlighted and raised awareness of comics for over a decade. If you can afford to help, please click here to spread the word.
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It’s been over a month since I’ve seen Ichi The Killer with my roommate, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. This 2001 Japanese action flick that doubles as a dark comedy is not for the faint of heart. Takashi Miike is famous for his twisted style, so be warned. But I highly suggest giving this a watch.
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If Helm Greycastle becomes a thing, this is the intro credits song.
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Holy shit. The Cull #1 by and Mattia De Iulis is incredible. The way they introduce the ensemble of characters while giving you a taste of the story is a master-class issue. Must read! Can’t wait for #2!