Where you can find me at SDCC 2K23
Let's be social!
I don’t like writing these on the go, but here we are.
I’ve been coming to SDCC since 2008. I’ve detailed in the first chapter of my memoir some of the memories that I hold dear and others not so much. But this con showed me a world where I feel like I belong, and the con itself has made me feel less alone.
SDCC at the end of the day is my favorite show in the world.
I always do my best to show folks around and offer information I have to maximize anyone’s con experience. The one mainstay open to the public party I always stop by is the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund party. I don’t know if I’ll be there this year for reasons I’d like to keep to myself, but I wholeheartedly support the new and improved CBLDF’s amazing work they have been doing since the whole Brownstein debacle.
Anyway, here’s my SDCC schedule!
Today, you can find me at the National Cartoonist booth #1307 from 1 to 4 p.m.
I’m moderating both the Comic Strips and Collections and Let Native, Black, Brown, Asian, and People of Color Tell Their Stories!
I’ll be at the NCS booth from 4 to 7 p.m.
I will be at the Top Cow booth #2628 with J. Gonzo from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is my only time on the SDCC floor.
The last chance to see me will be the Secret Origin of Good Reader at noon. I will not be doing any signings or appearances on the show floor.
That’s all folks!
As always, stay safe. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. I’ll leave you with this beautiful number by Doris Troy.
See you in the funny papers.