See you at Latino Comics Expo this weekend?
Exclusive Kodak moments from my trip to the UK
I will be at the Latino Comics Expo this weekend.
I’m sharing a table with J. Gonzo both days. I will be moderating the Entrepreneurs of Art panel at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 24th. This year’s event is bittersweet due to the passing of co-founder: Ricardo Padilla. My favorite memory of Ricardo was going to a burrito shop located in the Mission district. His love for comics and Latiné people who make them will never be matched.
Another important milestone we will be celebrating is the fifth anniversary of La Voz De MAYO Tata Rambo collected edition seeing the light of day. A lot of you remember when launched the first Kickstarter to make it possible, but it’s serendipitous I get to spend the weekend with Gonzo for this auspicious show.
Speaking of Kickstarter…
Here’s some insider baseball for you: my newsletter is a major reason why the Death to Pachuco Kickstarter is doing well.
Social media is broken. When La Voz 1 launched, Facebook and Twitter were my major backer sources. Not anymore. Starting this newsletter saved my writing career. I honestly can’t do this without you. We still have 19 days, so please chip in what you can, or share this link! BTW, We can finally showcase the NSFW cover by Chloe Brailsford! Click here to see the full image!
Thought Bubble, Scotland & Friends
Everyone knows I had a bad year. My good friend Tyler Button pinged me and asked me if I wanted to go to Thought Bubble. I couldn’t say no. The first time I ever went across the pond was five years ago to debut La Voz, and that’s when I met Tyler. He has since become a close friend and respective peer in the business. Tyler has self-published some incredible historical work on Joan of Arc and the events surrounding the 1066 Norman and Viking invasions of England under his publishing company Tapestry Comics. His text was the push I needed to get out of the house and see some old friends.
There’s no way to encapsulate the trip in a single post. But I’ll try. We went to Glasgow to see Jimmy Eat World play a sold-out show. The next stop was to Edinburgh where we visited the Edinburgh Castle. It was such a beautiful and incredible place. I love Scotland and the people. I would go back in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the bagpipes. Bonus: we had a delightful lunch with Jim and Stacey Zub where Dark Souls takes place.
But then we made our way to Harrogate for the show. It was the first time I wasn’t behind a table, so I was able to sleep in a little and enjoy myself. Which is rare! But getting to catch up with some friends I only see once a year or fewer than that was good for the soul.
Sarah Gordon, my dear friend & incredible artist, asked me to come up with a 30-minute playlist for the Mid-Con Party sponsored by Tiny Onion. Some of you might know I used to be a radio deejay for KXCI, and I’d spin music at bars in Tucson. But for one night only, I was DJ EVAUNT1. I felt enormous pressure because I know how picky comics people can be, speaking for myself of course. But I got to spin with Jazzlyn Stone, Katie West, Kieron Gillen, and Al Ewing. By the end of the night, they had the crowd eating from their hands. MOJO had the most well-lit dance floor, but no matter. It was a beautiful collection of bodies sweating and dancing to only the greatest hits. You had to be there.
I look forward to going back to the show and selling Death to Pachuco #1 next year. Hopefully, there will be less bagpipes. Anyway, here’s my setlist if anyone is interested.