Meet the new Gil Thorp artist: Rachel Merrill!
I'll be at Comic Con La this weekend! ¡A Dios Le Pido!
Rachel Mirrell takes over art duties for Gil Thorp!
A new era has begun on the funny pages. Rachel Merrell starts her reign as the artist of Gil Thorp as you might have read Brian Steinberg’s breaking news at Variety. Rachel has been on my short list of creators to work with on another project you will be hearing about soon, but this opportunity came up for her to take over Gil. I am so excited for y’all to see her grow and kill it Monday through Saturday.
Make sure you give her first strip a click and don’t be afraid to share it with your friends. This is the best time to start reading daily!
Find me at Comic Con L.A. this weekend!
My backyard show is going on this weekend at the LA Convention Center. I love the convenience of L.A. Comic Con. Artist Alley is full of some of the best in the industry, and incredible celebrity photo ops. But I get all my celebrity meet-n-greets at Whole Foods. In fact, I saw Adam Scott buying bread this weekend. I used to sell him donuts back when I managed Kettle Glazed. Best donuts in L.A. Just a couple of old friends bumping into each other except he doesn’t know we’re old friends. Anyways, You can find me stationed at AA-D37, according to the Los Angeles Comic Con app and site. Plus, I’ll have my first-ever zine for sale!
Preorder Green Hornet & Miss Fury #2
I know #1 hasn’t hit comic shops yet, but you must promote the series as it gets solicited. Comics are backward like that. As I mentioned in my last post, I am co-writing the Green Hornet/Miss Fury mini-series with . We’re having a blast working with Federico Sorressa. Federico is a bright star that will light up the comic book world after we’re done telling our story. But I can’t wait to share a preview of the first issue when it goes public. It looks so fucking good. But I will be doing multiple signings around the greater Los Angeles area in November, so keep your eyes peeled for the dates!
Listen to this!
I will die on this hill: Juanes’ guitar riff on “A Dios Le Pido” is the best in the history of guitar riffs.
P.S. Preorder the new Nightwing!
You’re not going to want to miss the new edgy Nightwing by my friends Dan Watters and editor Jess Berbey. I hope the DC diehards go back and find Coffin Bound by Watters and Dani. I’m super stoked for this book