Here's My SDCC 2023 Panel Schedule!
This one is short and sweet. Like me. xoxo.
I’m not going to blow hot air here. The fourth of July threw me off. Not to mention last week’s disappointing but not surprising Supreme Court rulings. Nothing says “Celebrate America” when Harlan Crow has Judge Thomas in his front and back pockets. But we’re supposed to carry on like none of this is happening. The one year anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade reversal. Rich people get richer. Freedom of speech bent to the will of the religous right-wing nut jobs. More people are moving into their cars. As the planet continues to heat up, the list of endangered species and threatened plants grows longer.
*Takes a deep breath.*
Hey, folks! Here's my SDCC panel schedule! *See you there!
Henry Barajas' SDCC panel schedule!
Friday, July 21st:
**Comic Strips and Collections, 12 to 1 p.m. @ Room 29AB
**Let Native, Black, Brown, Asian, and People of Color Tell Their Stories!
2 to 3 p.m. @ Grand 12 & 13, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina
Sunday, July 23rd: Secret Origin of Good Readers, 12 to 1 p.m. @ Room 29AB.
*Note that panel times and appearance are subject to change due to Henry's inability to be anywhere on time. Hell, he might not even show up! Lazy bastard.
**I’m moderating these panels!
My signing schedule will be posted next week!
Are we following each other on BlueSky yet?
The biggest takeaway I want everyone to…takeaway…is that Substack is becoming my all-encompassing source for social media, news, and general happenings. Last weekend Twitter limited my interactions which got me thinking. I have so many friends and professional contacts there that were virtually gone, and that didn’t sit well with me. Thankfully, emails never really go away.
You can find me on BlueSky and (eventually) Instagram’s version of Twitter. I will be here on Substack for the foreseeable future or at my local library pursuing the new graphic novel and manga section.
Suggested reading for the weekend:
The lede and headline alone needs no further explanation. Click here to read about Domenic Broccoli’s IHOP empire and the war that ensued.
As always…
Here’s a video I’d like to leave you with this song I’ve had on heavy rotation. Get your dancing shoes and boogie to this number. This one is an oldie but goodie.
Until then, stay safe and keep living.