Good news: I'm writing House of Slay, Listen to my podcast interviews
We're making headlines today, folks.
I’m going to try to keep this brief. This message is coming from SFO. I have learned to be productive in airports. I don’t know if you’ve flown recently, but you’re better off taking a charter bus.
Due to the fluctuant nature of jet-setting, I get to the airport two hours early. I gave a writer workshop with my good friend—John Jennings—at BCAF this weekend. Folks asked me this question several times: Where do you write?
To quote Al Pacino from the Devil’s Advocate, “Everywhere!”
I do find airports a great place to write. Most Gil Thorp stips were written next to a sorry excuse for a Mexican fast food joint in an area that doesn’t have brown people making the food. The best advice I can give someone who wants to become a writer is learn to focus and be productive despite your surroundings—and don’t eat Mexican cuisine at an airport.
But I digress. It goes without saying, but BCAF does a great job of making me feel like I have a seat at the table. It was great to see my friends, old and new. I look forward to returning and working with that crew again next January.
It’s interesting to see how popular the first chapter of my memoir did, consider I don’t have that many subscribers.
Here are some headlines your boy Hank appeared in this morning:
PRISM interviewed the House of Slay gang to promote the new chapters of their web series. The story I collaborated with Louie Chin will hit WEBTOON and Tapas on Janurary 24th. I will go into the production of this project in my memoir because I wrote this when I got laid off and found out my good friend took her life.

You can get a little taste over at The Popverse to hold you over until Tuesday.
I was on the latest episode of Comic Book Yeti’s Cryptid Creator Corner podcast. I hope you give it a listen.

Last but not least, the Latinx Press Podcast launched last week. I had a hilarious conversation with Shannon Wheeler! Check it out!
I know. It’s a lot. But I’ve got a lot going on! Sorry not sorry. See you on Friday when I upload the new episode of Latinx Press Podcast featuring Chloe Brailsford!