Call your shot because what's the worst that could happen
I got to meet Dolores Huerta—and I'm working with Trina Robbins on her pro-choice anthology: Won't Back Down!
Most of you have read La Voz De M.A.Y.O. Tata Rambo at this point.
Facebook reminded me of when I started writing the graphic novel that has ostensively changed my life forever.
That was 8 years ago.
I often refer to it as my “college kid.” I spent $30K on making it. La Voz left the nest and doesn’t call home. But it now has a life on its own—and people make their own opinions about it. This comic that was passed on by Top Shelf is currently being taught in American History classes for grade 11 in New York City for the next 10 years—and will be added to the language arts curriculum. It’s the largest school district in the world. Never take no for an answer, kids.
This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the creative team: J. Gonzo, Claire Napier, Bernardo Brice, Eva Cabrera, Elena Salcedo, Matt Hawkins, Vince Valentine, and Christian Vilaire. But our 850+ Kickstarter backers made this dream a reality.
But I don’t want to give the ending away, so turn around now if you haven’t read the book. Ask your comic shop, bookstore, library, or preferred digital retailer for a copy.
In the last panel of the comic, I stated that I want to write a comic about Dolores Huerta. I’m happy to report that I’m actively doing just that. Expect more information in the summertime, but I’m excited to get this out there in the world.
I have a terrible knack for getting myself immersed in my work. I have been absorbing her words, life, and intentions while I try to craft a comic that hopefully does her justice. I rarely get gun-shy, but, I have to admit that this task hasn’t been easy.
I finally got to meet her and tell her how much I appreciate everything she has done for humanity at the Ventura College Diversity Festival this past Thursday. We made these ¡Sí Se Puede! bag (with our friends CREAM Forever) for our second Kickstarter campaign. Gonzo did such a great job making something you can use for everyday use or when you go to a civil protest.
The intention was always to give her one—and we did.
My plate has been full of freelance comic book writing and editing. But I have been working with the amazing Trina Robbins on her Don’t Back Down pro-choice crowdfunding Zoop campaign. It has been an honor, to say the least. Please show your support if you have the means, or share the link on your socials. I know there’s a lot of cool comic book news floating around, but please check out Trina’s interview over at Forbes.
It’s springtime! You know what that means! Con season has begun.
Here’s where you can catch me resting my head on microphones at panels:
Pierce College Comic Expo on May 4th
Celebrating Words Festival on May 20th at Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural & Bookstore
Phoenix Fan Fusion June 1-4th
Clayton Rotary Anchor ComiCon August 19th & 20th
Tucson Comic-Con August 31st through September 3rd
2023 National Cartoonist Society’s Reuben Awards September 6-8th
As always, I try to end this thing with a song or funny video. I’ll leave you with one of the greatest moments in sports history.