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A lot has happened since you last heard from me.
I went to Tucson Con for its 15th annual show (aside from the no-shows in 2022 and 2021). I worked with Mike and Teresita Olivares for four years starting in 2008, trying to show how essential comics are in Tucson. I don't know if it's because I have a lot of friends, family, and fans in Tucson...But it was my show saleswise since Small Press Expo 2019. But a big shoutout to Brian and Francisca for having me back as a special guest.
BTW, I'll be at SPX this weekend. If you're in the D.C. area, you can find me at A12B.
Best Tucson Comic Con of my career. Big thanks to the staff and volunteers! I love you, Tucson.
Posted by Henry Barajas on Monday, September 5, 2022
I spoke to a high school about comics and local history. My friend from grade school is teaching in the Sunnyside district—and she has been instrumental in getting my book La Voz De M.A.Y.O. Tata Rambo added to their library and her curriculum.
Some of you know that I was a radio disc jockey back in the day. I love the radio. KJZZ has always been a major supporter of my work. It's nice to be at a point in my career where I don't always have to keep chasing outlets to promote my stuff.
I can finally talk about my short story for CREEPSHOW #4, slated to hit comic shops on December 28th. Working with the incredible DANI and Brad Simpson on this fallen Lucha tale I want to tell is an honor. Please do me a favor, and ask your local comic book store to pre-order you a copy. Details below.
Then, @HenryBarajas and @danistrips drop a hellacious tale of a fallen luchador who will do anything to claw her way back to the top! (🧵:2/3)
— Skybound Entertainment (@Skybound) September 12, 2022
Last but not least, we introduced a the strip's first trans character: Tobias Gordon. It was the same strip we saw Melissa "Mel" Gordon return best known for the controversial abortion story back in 2003. Buckle up, Thorp fans.
It's going to be a bumpy ride. <INSERT JOKER LAUGH>