🤖 What do you know about State Machines?
Hey everyone,
I’ve got my head down, working hard on finishing up all the material for my online live workshop, next week on November 13th. It’s going to be great. Have you gotten your ticket yet? Get one right here.
In the mean time, if you’re completely in the dark about state machines, let me share some resources with you.
I’ve written about them a few times:
- What are State Machines?
- Our First XState Machine - needs an update to latest version TBH
- XState Viz - Visualize your machines
You also have to check out @DavidKPiano‘s talks on them:
- Infinitely Better UIs with Finite State Automata
- Write Fewer Tests! From Automation to Autogeneration
There’s a lot of good resources out there beyond these as well. I hope this whets your appetite a bit and you’re excited to learn more.
If you can’t attend the workshop, have no fear, I’ll be releasing a course on egghead in December all about State Machines. If you’re not on egghead (you really should be), don’t fret either. I have a new project coming in early 2020 that should help you out. Stay tuned.
Thanks for letting me share this update with you, I really appreciate your time. Have a great week!