Did you know curry was a verb, too? 🍛My new course on functional programming is about to drop. 💧
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I sent y'all an email. A lot has changed since then, but I'll have to tell you more about that another time. Today, I have something special to share with you.
In 2017, I started to get interested in functional programming. The rise of React and Redux led to a renaissance of this programming paradigm. The talk of it was everywhere, but it took a lot of work to learn even some of the basics. I took the time to learn those fundamentals and started giving a talk in 2018 I called, "Just Enough Functional Programming to be a Danger to Yourself and Coworkers."
I loved giving this talk. I loved seeing people's eyes light up as a new concept made sense and they saw how simple it could be to get started with functional programming.
Now, I'm a bit sad that I won't get to see your eyes light up when that light bulb goes off. That's right, you're going to get to learn all that material from me. Virtually.
On March 26th, a course I made as a companion piece to that talk is getting released on egghead. In about ~30 minutes of material, I'll walk you through everything you need to know to start doing some functional programming today! We'll talk about higher order functions, pure functions, immutable data structures, that currying is a verb and not just a delicious food, how partial application can DRY up your software, how to compose multiple functions into one new one to transform your data, as well as a useful tip or two for debugging your code.
My hope is that this will not only educate you and help you grow, but that it will spark an interest in you to dive further into functional programming and see where it takes you.
I know that I've become a much more solid software engineer since being introduced to the paradigm. My code is clearer, more easily tested, and frankly, better understood by the next dev (or even myself) when I come back to the code later. I think learning functional programming fundamentals can do the same for you.
In order to check out the course, on March 26th head over to egghead and give it a watch. I'll send out an email that day with a link directly to the course. Also, be on the lookout for a tweet announcing the course. I'd love it if you shared it with your friends and left a reply with what you think about it. I'd love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for your time and attention. I know it's precious, so I appreciate it a lot.
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👋 Hey there! I'm Kyle Shevlin, a front end JavaScript engineer living in wonderful Portland, Oregon with my wife and two cats. I'm an instructor for egghead.io and the creator and host of the Second Career Devs podcast. I'm really glad you read my newsletter and hope we can connect some time. Thanks!