Announcing my State Machine and XState Workshop
Hey everyone!
I've been hard at work for the last month or so putting something together for all of you. I'm excited to share that I will be releasing a new egghead course for the holiday promo all about State Machines and the XState library. It's going to be awesome!
In addition to releasing a new course, I am working with egghead to put on a live, completely online workshop on November 13th, and you, my wonderful newsletter recipients, get to be the first to learn about it.
The workshop will be 5 hours of learning all about State Machines and the XState library. We're even going to build our own little finite state machine library as part of it so the concepts really sink in. There will be interactive exercises, and you'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have along the way.
If you're interested in joining me for the workshop, you can get a ticket to attend here. Feel free to let your friends know about it, too.
I hope you're as excited as I am about state machines and you have the chance to join me either in the workshop, watching the egghead course, or both!
Hopefully I'll see you soon,