A New Mini-Course and Course Platform
Hey there!
It's been a while since I've written a newsletter to you. In that time, I've written a bunch of blog posts, spoken at a conference, and made a whole, new mini-course all about the reduce
method for arrays.
"Kyle, where can I, or a friend, find this course?"
I'm glad you asked. You see, during my absence from the newsletter, I also built my own course platform at courses.kyleshevlin.com. It's going to be the home for my courses going forward.
I'd really love for you to check it out. Anyone who purchases the course will have access to a private Discord server where they can get help with the material from me and other learners, too.
If you'd like to read about how & why I built the platform, check out this blog post all about that. Otherwise, I hope December is off to a good start for you and that you're winding down the year as best as you can.
All the best,