Kung Fu Monkey
Cons & Heists 101: The Score and the Mark
February 21, 2024
Here's the thing about con and heist stories. They can be serious, ironic, comedic, post-modern, supernatural, mundane. As we discussed last time, cons and...
Cons & Heists 101: Orientation
January 31, 2024
Thanks for waiting around, folks. The trial rolled right into prep -- I did the concept meeting for the season premiere of this season of LEVERAGE:REDEMPTION...
Hey, Go Easy on Yourself in 2024
January 2, 2024
While the rest of you return to your lives today (Tuesday), I return to jury duty. What an intriguing liminal space. So, there's a book about Adam Smith's...
Happy Holidays From the Cafeteria of the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center
December 25, 2023
I am, in fact, on a jury. And that's all you're getting from me on that. This means I'm at the courthouse early, writing and answering phone calls and emails...
Notes (Part 1 of ... a lot)
December 18, 2023
A little short this week, as I'm typing this while on lunch in day 3 of voire dire in a Courtroom in LA. There are two things I wish I'd learned earlier in...
A Script Has a Job
December 11, 2023
How are we out there, in the Slow Apocalypse? Hydrating? Go get a glass of water. I'll wait. And do that square breathing. If you thought I was joking about...
A Pint at the Local
December 4, 2023
Here we are. You're reading this email as the one of the newsletter's first subscribers. I suppose you could be reading this in the archives, years from now....