New posts (Apr 13, 2021)
Here are new posts I wrote. I’m interested to hear what you think at @mkrcah on Twitter. Or just hit reply to this email.
DynamoDB: key technical concepts & features aws
I attended a knowledge sharing session about the DynamoDB. I knew Dynamo’s basics concepts—I used different key-value NoSQL db before, such as Redis, MongoDb or HBase. But I was curious about the technical details of DynamoDb because this has been new territory for me. So here’s what I’ve learned.
Tracking AWS Lambda errors with Sentry (and CloudFormation) aws
I enjoy working with Sentry for error tracking: I have a real-time overview of errors, I set up various alerts, and I use it in both backend and frontend systems. Now, how to setup Sentry for AWS Lambda that is provisioned by AWS CloudFormation?
Typescript & NodeJS: Collection of 16 TILs writing software
I’ve been working on a project that is based on Typescript, NodeJS, and AWS Lambda. Typescript is new to me, so I have to learn a lot. For the learning, I like the idea of Josh Branchaud for capturing learning in small Today-I-Learned (TIL) nuggets. So I opened this blog post and added TILs, newest at the top.
Adding changelogs to blog posts writing / blogging / drawing
This week I published a post (a collection of today-I-learn nuggets) that I might further update in the future. For the updates I’d love to add a changelog to the post bottom, and also add the last updated to the post top. However: I store posts in Markdown with a frontmatter; and the frontmatter contains the date
field; and the one field is not sufficient to capture the changes. So here’s how I changed the frontmatter and how I migrated existing posts.
Building cathedrals productivity
In the talk There is no talent shortage, Andrew Clay Shafer referenced this parable: Three stone cutters were asked about their jobs. The first said he was paid to cut stones. The second replied that he used special techniques to shape stones in an exceptional way, and proceeded to demonstrate his skills. The third stone cutter just smiled and said: I build cathedrals.