A Week of Being Kin Lane - January 26th, 2024
I have been enjoying the impact my API Evangelist newsletter has had on my week, and was hoping to do the same on the Kin Lane front. I am stopping using “I” when I write on API Evangelist as of this month, so Kin Lane is where I will be telling the personal stories. I figured this would be a good way to keep anyone interested in what I am doing without having to depend on social media.
With this newsletter I will be doubling down on email. As I increase my investment both of my API Evangelist and Kin Lane domains, I feel like doubling down on communicating via email makes a lot of sense. In this time of uncertainty on social media I think this is a sensible place for us to gather and communicate.
It was a very cold week in New York City, and sadly we didn’t get to go out for our regular walks in Central Park every morning. It was a good week for getting work done inside and I feel like I am making good progress on my API Evangelist knowledge bases and builders, while still finding balance with the anxiety induced by the current state of our nation.

One area I did some personal work on this week was around why I get so angry when I am left behind on walks in my personal life, as well as threats of it online around artificial intelligence. It is a fascinating phrase that has a strange effect on me, but I’d say it also gets wielded in some upsetting ways by people I am not sure have our best interests in mind.
I fell into an abstraction rabbit hole on Saturday, pushing my use of words like abstraction, derivative, and extraction. I’ve had these words swirling around in my head lately and I want to get more precise at using them, and helping better articulate the images around technology, startups, and AI that I go to sleep at night worrying about.

The intent for this newsletter is that it becomes a guide for my week, but also a journal for how I am seeing the world in any given moment. I don’t want it to be about my API work, but inevitably some of it will be referenced here. If others want to tune into the newsletter to stay in tune with my personal views of the world each week, they are welcome to. I am just happy to have a place to share my thoughts about each additional week I get on this planet.
As I close, I wanted to say a little prayer for my partner in crime on this computer science hustle. Manny. I sure miss you. Still. You were so much better at than I am, but I am left holding the torch.

How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears, wish you were here. ~ Pink Floyd