A Week of Being Kin Lane - February 24th, 2024
The Etch A Sketch for our life was shaken by Poppy eating a small dog size tennis ball on Tuesday and having surgery to remove it by Thursday. It is difficult to sufficiently articulate how complicated these emotions are for us, and how our hearts got all tangled up with this Rottweiler, but I did my best to capture how I am feeling in this moment about my heart.

Perpetually being under a “stories don’t matter” denial of service (DOS) attack on LinkedIn has left me simmering in my emotions around just how important storytelling is to me, but also the world. Mostly me. Being told my storytelling doesn’t matter over the years has provided me with an ongoing source of fuel for my storytelling, which helps me understand just how many lost souls there are out there wandering the world not seeing all of the stories that influence us.

My latest Algorotoscope Tensorflow machine learning model is helping me better set see the racial bias in our physical, but also our virtual world. The amazing life of Francis William has provided me with a dark shadow I can cast over the photos I use in my API storytelling. The motivation behind these photos and the stories they support is to help educate about the bias that is ubiquitous in our physical world that has been used to train artificial intelligence large language models-—perpetuating, scaling, and automating the bias that already exists out there.

It is getting really old that people can’t read the fucking room in this moment, pushing me into a dark place with my fictional storytelling on Alternate Kin Lane. I get very tired hearing stories about the “neat” personal uses of artificial intelligence that work to justify how AI Is being applied across our lives. I just can’t get excited about the “neat” things you are doing with AI while AI-first is being used to tear down our democracy, but I get it, and maybe you can get into my fictional story about how interesting and useful furnaces are.

I have next to zero writing mojo. I have next to zero bandwidth for API blah blah blah. I am just thankful Poppy is going to be OK. I know we’ll get back to living, but damn I love this dog, and the relationship Audrey and I have with her.
I feel like the AI hype train is slowing and the bullshit of the current administration is wearing everyone thin—even people with significant power like the military industrial complex. Things are going to get worse, but I feel like a resistance is forming. If it is a purely Democratic Party resistance it will find a way to choke on itself, but if it is wider, then maybe, just maybe, we will be OK.

I am slowly getting lost in my writing. This is a good thing. I have API Evangelist all set back up again and I know what work needs to occur. I just have a massive amount of storytelling ahead of me, which I’ve managed to begin load-balancing across Kin Lane, Alternate Kin Lane, and now even Algorotoscope—but my Algorotoscope work is unique because it gets used across all of my domains. I just need to keep everything moving forward with whatever life decides to throw at me, with this week being about having a pretty exceptional ball thrown our way—ending up in Poppy’s stomach and costing us $5K. But we still have Poppy!! #Thankful <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3