#43 Prediction Brackets for the Best Album of 2000 Tournament now open!
Hey folks!
If you had a hankerin’ for making a Prediction Bracket for the upcoming Best Album of 2000 tournament, then today’s your lucky day, as it is now open. Follow the link below to go to Challonge (the site that hosts the bracket) and look for, I believe, a green “Create a Prediction” button. (I only see Challonge from my administrator account, so I don’t know what it looks like to alla y’alls.) As of this writing, we’ve already got 15 brackets signed up, and as always, you’ll need to bring your A-Game to your bracket name. (We’ve already got YOLO Tengo, My Bracket is More Sad and Painful Than Yours, and I'm Sorry Ms. Harvey, I Am Surreal.) Remember, the winner of the Prediction Bracket contest gets to enter an album into the next tournament, and I often award prizes for runners-up and what not. What’s the next tournament? All I know is I’m alive and waiting for the moment to announce it.
This will only be open for a couple weeks, so if you haven’t finished listening to the entrants, get to it then make a prediction!