#14 Try Out Another Polling Option! Plus New Albums Added to the Tournament!
Hey folks! It was radio silence in April, but we’re back with new information about the upcoming Best Album of 2000 tournament.
First, three more albums have been entered into the tournament! All three are from contest winners, and this brings the total number of albums up to 124. (For a list of the previous 121 albums entered into the tournament, that’s here.)
The first album is !!! by !!!, submitted by @yourbf.bsky.social, the winner of the Best Album of 2000 Guessing Game.
The second album is THE UNUTTERABLE by The Fall, submitted by damosuziki.bsky.social, the winner of the Best Album of the Nineties Bracket Prediction contest, Points Division.
The third album is BLACK HOLE HEAVEN by Hannah Marcus, submitted by @justinwcornell.bsky.social, the winner of the Best Album of the Nineties Guessing Game.
There is one more contest winner, the winner of the Best Album of the Nineties Prediction Bracket (Bracket Version), but unfortunately I haven’t heard from them despite my attempts to contact them. If you are “breadharrity” with the winning bracket titled “Deeper into 90s,” get in touch, preferably through Challonge! I’m taking the slot back after this Friday (5/10/24). (However, if you get in touch after that date, I’ll reserve a slot for you in the tournament after the Best Album of 2000 one.)
“But Kent,” you say, “how are we going to determine the Best Album of 2000?” Great question! I still don’t know! Working on it! HOWEVER. Here’s another option: Google Forms! That’s right, the same thing I use to determine the seedings for the tournaments. Wouldn’t it be great if I could just use the tools I already have? (You have no reason to care, but the answer is “yes.”) Will it work? I have no idea! Follow the link and vote in the poll and let’s see how it goes. (NOTE: You will need to sign into Google to do it; that’s what keeps it to one vote per person.)
Yet Another Poll Auditioning for the Best Album of 2000 Tournament!
Hey folks! Yes, it’s time to try out another poll option for the upcoming Best Album of 2000 tournament! Weirdly, for all the thought and research I put into coming up with polling alternatives, it never occurred to me to use the same app I use to do the seeding and whatnot. Anyway, let’s try it. I’m redoing the same poll I used for the third party Bluesky poll from a few weeks ago, since apparently it didn’t keep people from voting multiple times. Also, the “other” option should let you write i...
So, all that’s left (“all that’s left”) is to figure out the last 3 or 4 albums and how we’re going to vote. I think I know how to figure out the albums (but be sure to vote in the poll anyway) and if Google Forms works out, we could be in business very soon. If not, I still have some ideas/leads.
Thank you everyone for your patience!