Weekly Roundup - Issue #15
It’s been two three weeks since I joined Jiva.Ag to work on their products as a senior design manager. Given that I have zero idea about the agriculture domain, I’m excited to have this opportunity of working with this talented team working in this space.
In this article, Ben wonderfully describes the inner workings of his team at Amazon. One of the takeaways for me was that despite the workplace being fast paced and chaotic, their manager being kind and joyful made a difference.
After spending 8.5+ years at Facebook, Alex decided to leave and join replit. This blog post talks about what went in his mind and how he went about the process to leaving a big corp that he had grown comfortable in.
People call them brag documents, hype documents, one pagers, etc but they are all just fancy names for a record of the work that you’ve been upto that year. Keeping a track of this helps you when you have to fill in that yearly review. It also aids your peers by reminding them about their collaborations with you during that year. I’ve also used these one pagers as the basis of a promotion packet. In this article, Julia Evans is quite thorough about how to go about building one.
Late one night, I decided to pick up Jessica’s In Progress and was delighted to read the introduction where she talks about how she got into lettering after growing up in a rural part of Pennsylvania. While I couldn’t find any links to her story on her website, this talk was a fun watch.
You might have already seen this on your timelines. The length of this video seems prohibitive but I can assure you that Dan Olson can keep you engaged through his monologue into the world of NFTs. I enjoyed this so much, I now want to watch everything on his channel starting with ‘In search of a flat earth’.