The irregular design manager newsletter
The irregular design manager newsletter #22
January 9, 2023
Twitter is shutting Revue down so I migrated my newsletter to buttondown. Some of the older posts may be broken in formatting, but I don't plan to go and fix...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #21
September 27, 2022
I came across this podcast thanks to the LeadingConf newsletter. It was refreshing to hear from Katrina about the realities of being a design executive at...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #20
June 13, 2022
This newsletter had been sitting in the drafts for a few weeks now. Though a bit dated, I decided to send it out today. Hoping to get back to regular posting...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #19
April 4, 2022
In the last 2 weeks, the topic of design compensation resurfaced so I thought that I would share some of the articles I reference when it comes to design...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #18
March 21, 2022
I started this newsletter on the 7th of March last year and I have somehow managed to post 18 newsletters irregularly and grown to 32 subscribers. Thanks for...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #17
February 28, 2022
I’m new to Figma and one of the things we are trying to figure out at Jiva is to understand how companies use Figma in their workflow. I’ve not found many...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #16
February 14, 2022
Couple of weeks ago, I took part (as a speaker) in my first Twitter space. Hosted by Obvious, It had a few senior design folks talking about hiring designers...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #15
January 31, 2022
It’s been two three weeks since I joined Jiva.Ag to work on their products as a senior design manager. Given that I have zero idea about the agriculture...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #14
January 10, 2022
On the first working day of 2022, I resigned from my job as a senior design manager at Gojek. The four years that I spent there were immensely memorable...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #13
December 6, 2021
How to Actually Build a Better Boss Charlie and I read, gutted, or threw a lot of management books across the room while researching Out of Office. Most of...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #12
October 12, 2021
A week ago, I hosted a quiz prepared (ripped off?) last minute for our design all hands. Preparing and hosting such events isn’t a new thing for me since...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #11
September 27, 2021
This week at work, a situation made me wonder about the trends in web typography; why did folks switch to system fonts in their stack and why did some...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #10
September 13, 2021
I can’t believe I’ve done 10 of these and still do not have a name for the newsletter. ‘Weekly’ seems a misnomer given my publishing schedule but I can’t...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #9
August 30, 2021
Trying hard to build a momentum with this newsletter but life keeps happening. Last month, I moved to a new house, took my first flight and got my second...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #8
August 2, 2021
It’s moving week! The weekend was spent packing up some parts of the house, the ones that we do not trust the movers and packers with anymore. This is my...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #7
July 17, 2021
“For every open job on your team, you need to spend one hour a day on recruiting-related activities. Cap that investment at 50% of your time. “ - Rands Every...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #6
July 3, 2021
We are seeing the indian design twitter getting back to normal with the Twitter Spaces, Clubhouse sessions and Twitter threads so I guess nature is healing.....
Weekly Roundup - Issue #5
April 18, 2021
As the second wave of the pandemic rages on, there’s a feeling of tiredness and helplessness permeating everywhere. It’s like being in an invisible zombie...
Weekly Roundup - Issue #4
April 11, 2021
Long weekends are hazardous to newsletter updates. They are very good for catching up on your physical book reading though. I got the time to finish three...
Weekly Roundup - March 14-20, 2020
March 21, 2021
In this essay when Vikas talks about how some of the new wave Kannada movies seem to be missing the Kannada soul, it reminded me of a conversation a few...
Weekly Roundup - March 7-13, 2020
March 14, 2021
This week was a good blend of work and play. I readily took advantage of the Indonesian holidays on Thursday and Friday to do some deep work and indulge in...
Weekly Roundup - March 1-6, 2020
March 7, 2021
As a new design manager, most of my reading/watching/listening these days is about managing. When you level up to a manager role, You find that you need to...