Swapping out Framework Laptop's loose hinges
I'm back to work today!
One of the errands I did during the off was swapping out my Framework Laptop's hinges.
I bought Framework Laptop last September. While it was working as my daily driver, I felt that the hinges were too loose. Apparently I wasn't the only one and Framework itself is selling alternative stiffer hinges along with the iFixit-style step-by-step guide:
The 4.0kg Hinge increases force to keep the lid angle stationary on the go and in bumpier environments, but trading off against easy one-hand-opening.
It was a bit overwhelming but I successfully installed the new hinges!
This could be a bit of IKEA effect, but I like the facts that 1) I can fix my problems and 2) the manufacturer treats their customers as responsible adults who can open consumer electronics by themselves.