today i am thankful that i get to be thankful, that this is an attitude, a choice that i am privileged to have. it's been hard to get here, this little state of mind, this tiny window, but today it feels like the world, in its despair, is pulling forward and up towards the crack where the light shines through. so i sit here and peer out of it, this tiny window of thankfulness, see this: my dog curled up at my feet, parents in love with each other, healed scars on my wrists, a friend learning to be brave, the strength of women everywhere, birds balanced precariously on the tangle of power lines sprawled out from here all the way to where people i love are falling asleep, or angry and awake and struggling to get to this same window of thankfulness, this same crack in the wall. it's been such a long day, an even longer year. but we're still here, and tomorrow is another day to fight our way up to where we know we need to be. i love you, good night.
- y (11/09/2016).