an, an engineer who i am very fond of, asked me a question about whether she needed to do additional work on a particular area of the core API, thinking that she didn't, and i felt so proud to have helped by thinking of a nuance that she hadn't (which is feather in my cap because she has an incredibly deep knowledge of the backend) so she can account for the work now rather than be surprised by it later and she praised me and that felt nice.
using the heart emoji on jira comments.
that our engineering org is moving to sprints, which most teams haven't done since i've worked there and which i am hopeful will give our work a structure that will help us all work better without being suffocated by process (which is maybe totally naive and hopeful but i am naive and hopeful)
that unlike the other people on my team, i've only ever been a production engineer on this team with these people working in this particular way, so it's exciting to mix things up and see how that feels
it's trash week (they pick it up every other week) and i almost forgot to take the bins down to the street but then when getting ready for bed i remembered and took them out and now i don't have to do it tomorrow morning
the pairing session that i usually have first thing in the morning on wednesdays got pushed back to third thing in the morning and now first thing will be getting in a run
that though i got stuck on this weird bug, i only worked a few minutes late rather than keeping grinding on it with diminishing returns and i can work through it with someone nice and smart in pairing tomorrow
that our basement didn't flood while we were away at christmas since that happened for multiple people we know and sounds hellish
deborah got me this gooseneck thing that clips onto my bedside table and will hold my kindle while i'm in bed so i don't have to hold it up
the gideon the ninth series of fantasy novels, which deborah has gotten really into lately (and i find it very cute when she gets really deeply into things)
stay true by hua hsu, which was a moving and masterfully crafted memoir about friendship—i remembered liking the excerpt in the new yorker but the whole thing goes so much deeper
we started watching andor again after bouncing off the first time we tried because everyone i know loved it so much and it sounded like something i should love and now i love it too