things i appreciate about the onset of fall
1) really hot showers feel fucking incredible (the ASMR-esque feeling of being covered in goose bumps as you step inside and then all of them receding healed by heat, one of those quotidian experiences that if you stay mindful of it is almost druglike in its intensity) and also being able to take hot showers without ever worrying about the dreaded state where the shower is too hot for your body temperature and so while you're drying off your "clean" body you're still sweating
2) can wear (sweat)pants (i love soft things and it's wild in retrospect that i went literally decades of my life owning no sweatpants) and hoodies again. and also generally sweating less so i can rewear some things (vastly increasing wardrobe options and moderately reducing the frequency at which i need to do laundry)
3) hot (herbal) tea (which i know some people / parts of the world drink all year round but which i only mostly want when my hands are cold). my go-to is supermarket fake chai but also deborah got this bougie sticky rice pandan tea that sometimes we drink together from a shared pot with tiny cups