i'm thankful that i haven't really had the time (or rather the emotional energy) to write thank you notes as often as i had done in the past. i'm thankful to be sorry to be spending so much energy on the new job... even if 70 hour work weeks are a very decent justification.
i'm thankful for my dogs, for our house, for central heating. i'm thankful for my new job, and i am especially thankful to know it won't be permanent (thank God!).
i'm thankful about my recurring fantasies of turning in my resignation and happily leaving for my "dream occupation" which would be tending to our family agro-business and become a happy farmer and writer and business-owner with j, raising our kids in the countryside, and having a proper pack (of dogs).
i'm as thankful to have a paid job as i am thankful for dreams.
i'm thankful for my privilege and i'm especially thankful to recognise it.
i'm thankful for freedom, and not having anyone call me toby.
- fsa (02/07/2017). 25, portuguese
i'm thankful for the concept of weekend. i'm thankful for this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhfpBW-nUWk . i'm thankful for lady maggie smith. i'm thankful for working weekends, for free weekengs, for longing for the weekend, for doing a lot on weekends, for doing nothing on weekends (and in general). i'm thankful for spending weekends with my families (the blood one, the lawful one, and my good friends).
i'm thankful for merciful and cruel passing of time (and the sweet spot between the two). i'm thankful for eagerness.
as always, i'm thankful for being thankful, and feeling thankful, and being aware of gratitude and how it explodes and expands my tiny speeding heart. <3
- fsa (02/24/2017). 25, portuguese