i’m thankful that last night i got to celebrate the first night of passover with a family which has largely become my second family. i’m thankful that passover was one of the first jewish holidays i was introduced to, so celebrating it with the family that had originally introduced it to me for one last time before i leave for university was a great experience.
i’m thankful for the message of passover; the idea that all people on earth must have the ability to live the way they wish to. i’m thankful that throughout the seder, m, who is practically my mother, continued to add lines to the haggadah whenever it would mention how everyone is permitted to live freely today, referencing the legislation that has passed in north carolina and georgia which seek to limit the rights of others. i’m thankful we stuck to the ideals of passover when we complained about these things, not wishing evil upon those who had worked to pass the legislation or enforce it, but rather only looking for the those who are suffering beneath to receive the freedom to live as they wish.
i’m thankful for the fact that this was perhaps the largest seder i have ever attended at m’s house with 18 people and i’m thankful i had the duty of boiling the eggs (though i ended up boiling 21 because of how many i broke). i’m thankful for everyone who came and made it such a wonderful seder. i’m thankful a was there as i find her so adorable and her enthusiasm fills me with joy. i’m thankful k came to accompany my close friend, s. i’m thankful for how happy s is around k even though i’m not sure how i feel about him.
i’m thankful that i didn’t have a significant other to invite because i would have found it awkward asking to invite them considering we already had 17 other people. i’m thankful that i’m able to look at the past relationships i’ve had at the point and recognize that while they were perhaps failures in the sense that they did not carry on, the fact they have left me with understandings of both my own shortcomings and the ones which i find difficult to work with in others have ultimately made them a success.
i’m thankful for the periods of reflection the holidays bring me. i’m thankful for the fact i was able to slowly remove myself from all of my standing friday evening engagements so that i could stay at home and use friday nights to light candles and reflect back on the week past and the week to come. i’ve recommended other people try to do this to a few people in the past, though the idea was met with a few laughs (apparently no one wants to give up their friday nights).
i’m thankful knowing that this time next year i won’t be sitting where i am now and despite how frightening that is, it’s also most exciting. it’s exciting to think that the isolated place i live in now isn’t forever, that new and exciting things are just around the corner, and what’s the point of getting around if i can’t have anything to be excited about?
- c (4/23/16).