i'm thankful we stayed out late, first at a bar and then, after a trip to the big liquor store, in one of my coworkers' hotel rooms. i'm thankful that d and i decided to stay out with everyone, even though we normally go to bed early and we're tired now. i'm thankful for gossip and shit talk, even if sometimes it's easy to go too far, because they do help to bond people. i'm thankful, even though it's been fun hanging out and to know i'll have more fun, to look forward to this weekend, when we won't have to have social interactions with anyone. i'm thankful that i managed being in a social situation with people i didn't know well for like 5 hours without drinking alcohol—i'm thankful to remember in college how i would drink an entire six pack of miller high life before even leaving the house on a saturday night. i'm thankful not to do that to myself anymore, not to have to. i'm thankful when d gets drunk, especially when she gets drunk with a close friend like she did last night, because she's very cute then. i'm thankful for the way she holds onto my arm for balance when she's wobbly with inebriation. i'm thankful for the sensation of stepping out of a way-too-loud bar into a quiet warm night.