i'm thankful that i spent less of yesterday in a shitty mood. i'm thankful that this is despite the day starting off a bit poorly when, on a leisurely morning swim, i got stung on my right butt cheek by a jellyfish. i'm thankful for a much more pleasant experience in the bay later that day, when i got to try a stand-up paddle board as my parents and d shared a canoe. i'm thankful for the fun of taking the paddle board out into the bay and then in to a secluded beach and then out to a sandbar and then through a mangrove lined stream that had me ducking and dodging to avoid branches and other obstacles. i'm thankful for the fun of balancing on the board and of using the paddle to gradually adjust my direction and position. i'm thankful that though my dad lost his sunglasses at the secluded beach when he fell off the stand-up paddleboard, there was a couple there with goggles and snorkels and the man found the sunglasses on the ocean floor. i'm thankful that i was able to keep up with the my mom, my dad, and d in the canoe on my paddleboard. i'm thankful that this is something my mom and i have wanted to do since we moved her and am thankful that we were able to do it before they move away.
i'm thankful that my mom got the new job she interviewed for last week. i'm thankful that though she is stressed out about the new job, she is also excited about a change. i'm thankful that my dad's company is going to let him work remotely (hopefully, fingers crossed, for the long term) so that he can move with her. i'm thankful that yesterday, i helped her avert a freakout by finding the email with her new employee paperwork that she accidentally deleted. i'm thankful, even though i think it's silly, that no matter how many times i tell my parents not to delete emails, because their gmail accounts won't run out of space and they might need the emails in the future, they still delete them. i'm thankful to have helped photoshop her signature and other information into her new employee paperwork so that we didn't have to go to kinko's to print and scan it. i'm thankful for layers and for the levels adjustment tool, which makes it easy to do things like this.
i'm thankful to have finally gotten to try the cracker crust "pizzas" that my mom is always talking about and that they were tasty and satisfying. i'm thankful that though we didn't know it was "national taco day," my mom
made carnitas for us, which made for really excellent tacos. i'm thankful that she was pleased that we all liked them so much. i'm thankful to have felt a bit of guilt about the shitty mood i've been in and out of this week, which is hopefully a sign of it fading. i'm thankful to have a family i love who loves me. i'm thankful that yesterday evening, i had a cinnamon horchata beer and then a small glass of tequila, which were nice tasting and i think did make me happier/more pleasant to be around, even if they also worsened the quality of my sleep last night. i'm thankful to have finally finished an email to my friend jk which i dropped a few weeks ago because i was tired from work. i'm thankful to not be tired from work this week, just to be tired.