i'm thankful to be having trouble writing this because i'm trying to drag myself out a depersonalisation episode. i'm thankful things feel surreal and odd. i'm thankful it feels like all i have is my head and other parts of my body are not mine. i'm thankful for the feeling of observing myself try to do things. i'm thankful to have trouble making my head actually formulate this. i'm thankful to have trouble concentrating. i'm thankful for how huge my head feels now. i'm thankful having one of these episodes is an indicator of how tired i am. i'm thankful it's been going on all day but i rubbed it off earlier because i had a big supervisory meeting. i'm thankful to hope it subsides long enough for me to go home. i'm thankful to hope it goes away because i have a big day tomorrow. i'm thankful i'm tempted not to send this because i don't think it makes sense. i'm thankful to screw it and just send it. i'm thankful it'll be okay. i'll be okay. i'll be okay.
moe (27/1/17). c7.01, london