life in the machine
texting with e about her things i love that reasonable people hate list and her absolutely perfect first one (the lingering smell on your hands after chopping garlic
) (i also share this) suddenly made me think of asparagus pee, a core thing i love that reasonable people hate! i added it to my list and then she told me she was at a get together where asparagus was served during which she learned that asparagus pee is not universal and in text shared a blog post indicating apparently only half or less of people experience it, which may be because, in the same way that cilantro tastes awful to some people, some people just can't smell it because of some gene being switched on instead of off or vice versa.
every time i build something new with code, as i did this afternoon, i feel such satisfaction. i do a lot of internal demos or like little almost mini blog posts and part of the reason for that is my narcissism and incessant desire for attention (hi) and part of it is me knowing that over-communicating about your progress is the best way to avoid bad surprises and part of it is that marking down what i did in a given day helps give me a sense that even when i feel stuck i am doing things and part of it is to give myself a target to aim for as an aid to focus and part of it is that i appreciate having interesting content from others to consume in the work chat room and want to try to also contribute and part of it is in evidence by the way i am still typing this sentence (hi) but beyond these parts the core of it is my continued wonder and amazement that if you write the words in just such a particular way they come to life in the machine.
that we still have the christmas lights up on our mantle and how nicely deborah draped them. that though it's winter here, it's summer in australia. margaritas any time of the year. the album versions of modern performance by horsegirl and the singles for their new album "switch over", "julie", and "2468". clip of billy corgan explaining how the song 'mayonnaise' is built around a cheap guitar that couldn't be kept from feeding back because if you can't fight it channel it. watching the hilariously bad rick/michonne walking dead spinoff with deborah and then doing a rick impression that made her laugh until she was in pain. i'm thankful for whoever was the first person to mix sugar with cinnamon.