just him telling various zionists "fuck you"
deleting the threads app off my phone, which like i had given up on actually really using threads almost immediately post launch but i still kept the app installed because of the feature in instagram where they try to funnel you into threads by showing you truncated posts from threads as tap-bait which honestly kind of worked on me for a while but eventually i realized every time that i clicked through one and then tried to continue to read threads i would quickly get very annoyed at how (at best) extremely bland and smooth-brained the discourse was (max read always has smart things to say but the "gas leak social network" was a real hit from him)
similar gas leak/just fallen out of a coconut tree energy: the anne hathaway / dollar store "harry styles" may december romantic comedy the idea of you, which is not good (like not even by the standards of the kind of movie it is trying to be, i wasn't expecting bergman) but in its essential not goodness was fun to watch with deborah of an afternoon, like honestly i was kind of amazed how basically every line and line reading throughout the entire runtime managed to feel so false and flat and plastic, almost lynchian in its strange emptiness.
tyler posting screenshots to his stories of every time bret easton ellis uses "keyed up" to describe how a character is feeling in the shards which is a lot, kiri posting a screenshot of old tweets of norm mcdonald roasting bret easton ellis after he said something negative about alice munro, me remembering in MFA program when i said (glibly! and based on the experience of having read (at the time) a single story of hers which i found boring) that i wasn't interested in reading stores of "people in small towns in canada" and my professor was clearly pained that i was saying this and gave a mini-lecture about how anything and anyone can be a story
n sent me a video of us filming something for jk's elective film class during grad school summer (i think this is the same day i met deborah's dad and sister for the first time) and i look so much younger and hotter, which it is sad to not be as young and hot (and to not have adequately felt at the time my youth and hotness) but also nice to appreciate yourself retrospectively (my butt looks good). the comedy videos of leenda dong, which always hit but she's done a timely riff lately on faking having a bigger butt in photos. on the theme of bbl real or imagined, "idf drizzy" by kool AD which is not actually good but despite the righteousness of the message and the need for anthems of solidarity and consciousness-raising with gaza and "hind's hall" inarguably just being a much better song, i still at the same time just can't really get myself to choose to listen to macklemore so i appreciate any new entrants into this category and also it is fun (if not particularly artful) how most of the song is just him telling various zionists (starting with amy schumer and michael rappaport) "fuck you".
new additions to my list of things reasonable people love that i hate: jane austen (honestly shocked i hadn't got her on before) and made me double check that shakespeare was already there, he was phew), takis (i think takis had an important role in the culture because of their spice level which for a time was rare but with the overton window of spice level pushed left a lot (thanks in part to them), since then i don't really prefer them because i think their architecture is just fundamentally flawed in comparison to the form factor a chip (which is not to say i'm not here for structural experiments in snack food (looking at you turtle chips), just that i think this particular one was a failure)). made a short erasure of an obit for steve albini:
Previously on this day (actually yesterday when i wrote most of this and i'm too lazy to redo it)
- 2016 (my parents' subscription to hbo go, yelp, good user interface design)
- 2017 (anniversary of our engagement, keeping a secret as an oversharer, picture of flowers she posted on instagram)
- 2018 (since we got home late from the barbecue, to have slept in this morning)
- 2019 (stream of consciousness reassurances to myself when i felt overwhelmed and like nothing i was doing was going right and there was so much of it, dark mode text editor, sometimes meetings)
- 2023 (pulling my hair which i've learned is a stress response; did the dishes that had built up; that it's always possible that turning something off and back on / trying it "one more time" even after you've tried it a bunch of other times, will lead to a non-working thing working, at least for now)