1. if you have to use docker i recommend this app called
orbstack which i just started using on the recommendation of a coworker and which makes everything noticeably faster. also if you want a new code editor this one
zed another coworker recommended is very beautiful (although i don't think i can use it for work, even though it does have copilot (which i don't want to be without) because i also need to be able to use gitlens to see inline blame (i.e. the history of a particular line of code)). the app i have had the most fun using lately is
koala sampler, which is such an elegant and joyful interface (
dilla-inspired) and so practically built (you can just screen record youtube or spotify to get your samples and then import them and chop them up).
2. my new team at work moved our weekly meeting a half hour later for me so i wouldn't have to have a meeting before 8AM, even though all but one of them are in europe (and the other one is eastern time) which makes it after the end of the day. i had a chat with r and he told me about on a perfect summer evening walking by a stadium where a concert was happening and idly mused aloud about how it would be nice if they had tickets and could just go in and then two girls approached him and his girlfriend and gave them the extra tickets and they went right in. i secretly sent a some nice things r said about her, which i know will make her happy (and he won't mind). i finished my entire to-do list for the day, which doesn't usually happen because my to-do list is always too ambitious.
3. on the max streaming service, season 1, episode 2 of my strange addiction: still addicted?, entitled “tuna smelling & plastic surgery & toenails” and specifically the tuna smelling portion, which is about a man who is addicted to smelling tuna (not the smell of tuna, per se, but specifically the act of smelling the tuna) and so for example has many open cans of tuna in varying states of decay all over his house but is also almost always whether he's in bed in the morning or out for breakfast at a local coffee shop or meeting friends on the patio of a local bar is cracking open cans of tuna, sniffing them and closing his eyes and making this INTENSE "satisfied" face and then also sipping from the water in the tuna can like it's fine whisky in a snifter or an expensive cup of coffee and he is so so so so so deeply satisfied by the tuna constantly and it made me laugh so so so so so hard. it's nice because it's not as grim of an addiction as some of the other more pica like ones (like people eating fabric softener sheets or whatever), and that allows its true comedy to ring through all the more brightly.