huge amounts of sugar and fat
- i have to go to the doctor this morning, after missing a message they sent me in the client portal about an important follow-up for oh you know just an entire year (💀) and i am a hypochondriac and i really don't want to go but i'm thankful that unlike other times in my life my anxiety about going to the doctor doesn't include fears about do i have insurance or what will this cost or will it bankrupt my family or whatever but is just about my health (and i'm thankful to remind myself that going to the doctor and actually dealing with shit, however much i dread it, is the best thing i can do for my health that i am not doing for my health, well other than stop eating huge amounts of sugar and fat which is probably what my doctor will tell me).
- i rescued one end of the drawstring of my favorite sweatpants from being buried inside the (TIL this term) casing.
- new flyana boss song "big one" which is under two minutes (1:52) which means that i often exit the song and start it over again from the beginning for the little pop of energy as the beat drops.
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