how "our souls" sounds like "arseholes"
the integration i've been the lead developer on since the beginning of november was supposed to launch today and the project has gone really well in terms of milestones and timelines and all that and in the last week i felt so good about where things were landing, that today was just going to be a nice easy glide across the finish line, and instead it was three database migrations and infrastructure instability and several flavors of 500 error and regular updates to stakeholders about how the last thing i tried didn't fix it but i think this one will and well you know what that didn't do it either but maybe this will and so on but i'm thankful that while i would have liked for it to have gone smoothly i know i made the best decisions that i could and i'm not afraid of losing my job or anything and i'm sure we'll get it working tomorrow
smoking a joint in my office after calling it a day and then singing "juna" karaoke in the shower and this is a really good quality backing track but got me thinking about even very good karaoke chyrons are in places going to be slightly off the rhythm of the audio and so i find myself, as i did tonight, closing my eyes to try to hear the beat and sing along that way. adding "juna" to my list of back pocket songs because in addition to being a song i love and can sing it also has an instrumental break where i can talk a bit and i love an instrumental break where i can talk a bit (not too short that there's no room to stretch out but also not too long that you're doing a ted talk).
the new philomena cunk on netflix, cunk on life, isn't the best philomena cunk there is (the use of actors in particular feels a little amateur hour in a post-nathan fielder world) but at the same time like even only "good" philomena cunk is still something that makes me pump up the jam laugh harder than most other things and in particular i'm thankful they do so much this time with how "our souls" sounds like "arseholes".