friend of the pod
got a friend of the pod namedrop on my favorite podcast, a huge achievement even if the reason is for (my old tumblr friend <3) joe to completely destroy my appraisal of (previously praised to thank you notes readers) jalapeno pineapple doritos. i'm thankful that joe as a reporter who has to be "objective" on main has this podcast where he gets to be a critic because he's such a great, funny, mean critic (even when i disagree)!
setting an intention to interact kindly with someone who was my closest friend and now is not really and as the friendship degenerated i would sometimes say acceptable but passive-aggressive things to act out and get a reaction and feel something even though i wouldn't actually get a reaction (much less the reaction i wanted) and the only thing i would feel is more bad and ultimately those things don't change the underlying dynamic we fell into and are just me being rude to a person who i still do care about and wish well and i don't want to live that way, so this is me committing to trying harder at acceptance and generosity of spirit and letting things go (which is HARD MODE as a scorpio lol).
red plums, a great small snack when you need something as a pick-me-up but don't want much. i've always bought black plums for whatever reason (basic) but the red ones are delightfully tart and i think more "reliable" (in that their ripeness doesn't matter as much to their overall quality as with black plums, the same reason that i tend to favor nectarines over peaches).