i realized why i couldn't do the underwear thing yesterday which is that it's not an underwear thing it's a sock thing and it's that when i'm putting on my second sock while standing up i lift my foot but instead of lifting it up all the way at first i go up and then back down and tap the floor with my toes, like checking my balance before fully committing to the movement, and then i put my sock on.
the days go by so fast and i wish there was more time. i've been trying to make an effort of playing fetch with miso in the yard more and today the cold winds were gone and desaturated winter sunlight (still counts) and warm enough that i was comfortable in sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt and my old gray allbirds my yard shoes and miso played the longest continuous round of fetch we'd played (still only like 4 minutes but still counts)
a meeting talking about the occupational and psychological effects of different layouts in the redesign of the product that we're working on with three women who are just so smart and also think that i'm smart.
i built an internal tool last year to help make it easier to test dev frontend code against our prod API without needing a local dev environment and while i found and continue to find it very useful and it justified the day i spent on it just for me, for a while it didn't seem like it was catching on (and promoting things has never been my strong suit), though slowly over time devs on other teams and QA people have picked it up and said nice things about it and then today i came back to a new mention in slack and it was that someone else who i've never even really talked to who had written really thoughtful and detailed documentation for it as a way of making it more accessible to other people and i felt so touched.
on the other side of the coin i was telling a coworker who my work nemeses are and i started the conversation by writing "omg there's so many lol" and then i listed a few and wrote "there are others but i'd say that's my top 3 probs" and on the one hand it sucks not to like everyone but on the other hand that's not realistic and from the person i do like who i sent this to i received five laughter emojis in response.
DM-ing with ruth about funny misspellings we have experienced in our lives