1. nachos for dinner (my preferred nachos are very minimal just chips and baked-on cheese(s) i do not like them to be "loaded" (nor do i like this for french fries, the loaded variety of which are on my always-growing Notes app list of "Things Reasonable People Love That I Hate" imo it's just honestly disrespectful to the sanctity of the french fry, do not @ me, the only loaded thing i like is
the fourth album by the velvet underground). salsa (if it's that and not fresh pico de gallo) that is on the less chunky side of the spectrum. freshly cut pineapple and forcing myself to stop eating it so i don't destroy my mouth with bromelain
2. i mentioned it already but truly if you have any openness to reality tv and haven't yet watched it, you will be grateful to have watched the ultimatum: queer love on netflix. we still have two episodes left but it has produced some of the wildest footage i've seen, such as (veiled spoiler alert) the moment where two trial marriage partners who found themselves unexpectedly in deep and immediate love during their 3 weeks together (something that was so beautiful to watch!), after having gone back to their original partners for three weeks, are reunited at the pre-"choice" ceremony drinks evening and try to steal away from the others to reconnect and decide whether they want to blow up their years-long relationships to get engaged to each other.
3. in a slack thread at work we were talking about preferred suitcase brands because someone needed a new suitcase and discussing the wirecutter's recs and sm said that when she was faced with this decision previously instead of research and discussion she just "picked up whatever they had at TJ Maxx" and in the subsequent five minutes i made a website called "[sm]'s wirecutter" which had an input field asking what type of product you were looking for and when you click the submit button it always immediately returned the result "just pick up whatever they have at TJ Maxx" and everyone reacted with laughter