thank you notes
thank you notes (L)(2)
March 7, 2016
I’m thankful for g’s new shift pattern, even though it changes the weekly rhythm we've gotten used to that lasted almost 5 years. I'm thankful that although...
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March 7, 2016
i'm thankful that in the fall mice started to eat our silicone muffin cups until i trapped and killed them all in the night and then we threw the remnants of...
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March 6, 2016
i'm thankful for the shiny black car we saw while waiting to cross the street that had, printed across the right side of its exterior, the word...
tyn (fsa)(3)
March 5, 2016
i’m thankful for the rain.i’m thankful for the tropical rain that fell on lisbon today. i’m thankful that it coincided precisely with my lunch time walk with...
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March 4, 2016
i'm thankful that i felt irritable and annoyed at various points yesterday, but that i never got down to the point of feeling low and hopeless and exhausted...
thank you notes (madeleine)
March 3, 2016
i’m thankful for acropolis cups. those ones with the fake (almost offensive?) greek lettering that says WE ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. i’m thankful that they...
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March 3, 2016
i'm thankful that i only felt really shitty for about two hours yesterday afternoon, which is a personal best so far this week. i'm thankful that while we...
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March 2, 2016
i'm thankful that i felt really shitty again yesterday, like all my chakras were stuffed with garbage, because i can tell that i feel ever so slightly better...
thank you notes 3/1
March 1, 2016
i'm thankful that i felt really depressed yesterday afternoon and evening, the most depressed i have in a while, even though that sucked. i'm thankful that i...
thank you notes 2/29
February 29, 2016
i'm thankful that the plastic grocery bags d and i loaded with library books that needed to be returned seemed like they were going to break under the weight...
thank you notes (fsa)(2)
February 29, 2016
i’m thankful for mondays. for today especially, for when the morning sky revealed itself crisp and clear and blue like only winter lisbon skies are. i’m...
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February 28, 2016
i'm thankful that over the last few nights, d and i watched the three star wars prequels. i'm thankful that despite my boyhood love of star wars, this...
thank you notes (L)
February 27, 2016
I'm thankful for our new bedframe and mattress that we were able to buy late last year, which unlike the old one doesn't collapse if you lean on the wrong...
thank you notes (fsa)
February 26, 2016
i'm thankful for the sense of smell and normality.i'm thankful for the way i always linger between hating and loving the alarm clock in the morning. i'm...
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February 26, 2016
i'm thankful i asked a faculty member who butchered a deer that he found dead on the side of the road last week to give me some of the deer meat. i'm...
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February 25, 2016
i'm thankful that yesterday afternoon, i defused a tense exchange about a grant budget between a faculty member and the office accountant by 1) noting that...
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February 24, 2016
i'm thankful for the anonymous person who sent me this note through my google form last night:"this isn't a thank you note (soz) but i've been reading yours...
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February 23, 2016
i'm thankful that our neighbors' band was rehearsing extra loud last night. i'm thankful that when we first moved in, i thought i would find their rehearsals...
thank you notes (anonymous)
February 22, 2016
I used to think of gratitude as a cloying manipulation, something you were told to feel about a situation in response to raising a complaint or a sentimental...
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February 22, 2016
i'm thankful for chapter 21 of this should be written in the present tense by helle helle, the book i'm currently reading, which is, in full: "One day I went...
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February 21, 2016
i'm thankful that i don't really believe in the secret, but thankful that if i did, i might see an example of its power in the moment that happened to me on...
thank you notes (k)
February 20, 2016
i’m thankful for the coffee cart in the hallway right outside my office which saves me from having to drink the overbrewed folgers that my coworkers take...
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February 19, 2016
i'm thankful to provide an update on the one hundred branded cooler bags that a faculty member ordered to give away to attendees at a conference, but that...
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February 18, 2016
i'm thankful that though my endoscopy/sensor installation procedure was scheduled for noon yesterday and though the procedure only takes about 15 minutes...
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February 17, 2016
i'm thankful for breakfast cereal, always, but especially today because i can't have it because i'm not supposed to eat before my endoscopy, which is at...
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February 16, 2016
i'm thankful that the waiting room at the hospital had a fish tank. i'm thankful for the bright blue backdrop of the tank and for the two kinds of sea grass...
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February 15, 2016
i'm thankful that it snowed all day yesterday, much more than i was expecting it to (even though it never snows as much as i want it to, i'm still thankful...
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February 14, 2016
i'm thankful that i ripped our fitted sheet with my heels. i'm thankful, i guess, for this testament to the strength of my legs, that i always eventually rip...
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February 12, 2016
i'm thankful i didn't get offered the job i wanted. i'm thankful i found out via email yesterday evening after dinner. i'm thankful i am such a connoisseur...
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February 11, 2016
i'm thankful that d and i had a nice facetime call with my parents while she was cleaning the kitchen and i was making dinner last night, even if dividing my...
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February 10, 2016
i'm thankful for the bizarre dream i had last night, where d and i were visiting my parents at their small apartment in miami beach. i'm thankful that in the...
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February 9, 2016
i'm thankful for the antiquated frankenstein of a building i work in. i'm thankful that whether it will be sweltering or freezing inside our offices on any...
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February 8, 2016
i'm thankful that a busy monday isn't always a bad thing. i'm thankful that though this morning when it was snowing, the temperature was right on the edge of...
thank you notes 2/7
February 7, 2016
i'm thankful that d and i took a long walk across town because she thought the bigger grocery store over there would be more likely to have the wine she...
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February 6, 2016
i'm thankful that the all of the one hundred branded plastic cooler bags that a faculty member bought to give away to attendees at a conference give off an...
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February 5, 2016
i'm thankful for the three nice times i've shared with my coworker in the past few days. i'm thankful for the first time, the other day, in which i and one...
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February 4, 2016
i'm thankful that when i sat down in the dimly lit waiting room of my gastroenterologist, the first thing i noticed on the end table beside my chair was a...
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February 3, 2016
i'm thankful when it rains heavily during the night but stops before morning. i'm thankful for the white noise of it and also for the fact that it's raining...
thank you notes 2/2
February 2, 2016
i'm thankful for "the one where they take it too seriously," the latest episode of the new statesman's srsly podcast, which is a comical omnibus exploration...
thank you notes 2/1
February 1, 2016
i'm thankful that though i spent too long writing my notes yesterday afternoon, i still finished in time to go running outside before dinner. i'm thankful to...
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January 31, 2016
i'm thankful that i had chipotle for the first time on friday evening. i'm thankful that d had to go to a team dinner for work, so that i had to find dinner...
thank you notes (ashley)
January 30, 2016
I'm thankful for how the snow piled up in one of my old windows during the blizzard, that a ferocious overnight accumulation settled like sedimentary rock...
thank you notes (anonymous)
January 29, 2016
i am thankful for a warm and safe place to sleep. i am thankful for the support of friends, family and community. i am thankful for all the brave people...
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January 29, 2016
i'm thankful for the faculty member who brought me two cake donuts as a surprise thank you gift for my final proofread of his tenure dossier. i'm thankful...
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January 28, 2016
i'm thankful that i taught my dad to torrent movies during christmas vacation a year ago. i'm thankful that this was the best gift i've given him in years...
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January 27, 2016
i'm thankful that i immediately regretted flipping off the driver of the red trans am that blew through the intersection of the bike path rather than...
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January 26, 2016
i'm thankful that i woke up in the night and my stomach hurt, keeping me awake for a little while (i'm thankful not for a long while), which motivated me to...
thank you notes 1/24
January 25, 2016
i'm thankful that i made sure to water the office plants this morning. i'm thankful that it felt important to be more intentional about this ritual, because...
thank you notes 1/23
January 24, 2016
i'm thankful for the coupon we had for the grocery store promising us $10 off an order of $100 or more. i'm thankful that even if this worked exactly as the...
thank you notes (pierce)
January 23, 2016
I’m thankful for the neat arrangement of bookworm holes in the running head of my book, so even and geometric that they look like Fortran code in a...
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