i'm thankful for the tech from comcast who came out yesterday and got our internet working. i'm thankful that though the internet is not as fast as advertised, it's still pretty fast. i'm thankful for a customer yesterday who gave me a negative rating despite me doing my best to help resolve his problem; i'm thankful that dealing with customers like this has helped make me more understanding and patient when i am the customer. i'm thankful that i went running on the trails in our new neighborhood and that it was a sunny morning when i did. i'm thankful that d had a good day at work. i'm thankful that on facetime with my parents, they announced to d and me that my mom is quitting her job soon and they are taking a "gap year" to travel the world before deciding what to do in the next stage of their life. i'm thankful they have the money to do this from my grandmother's estate and i'm thankful that though i think they expected me to be anxious or judgmental, i was happy for them (and maybe a little anxious, but i'm glad i hid that so that they didn't feel discouraged). i'm thankful that my mom, who is such a bright and adventurous person but who has never been outside the country, will get to experience life in other places. i'm thankful that i am getting a new antidepressant, but i think i'm going to wait to start it until i get back from my work retreat next week, since that is going to be stressful enough and i don't want to add withdrawal/buildup side effects to it. i'm thankful that we should hopefully be able to finish unpacking this weekend. i'm thankful to hope that i will find my razor soon, because i really need to shave. i'm thankful for the two new iphone charging cords i bought, both because d lost hers in the move and needed one and because my old one has been unreliable. i'm thankful for the box of rainbow nerds i bought at target, even though i ate too many of them. i'm thankful for
dana's most recent notes, in which she wrote "
I’m thankful to know that my thank you notes have not been so great recently because I haven’t been feeling very thankful for much recently but I’m thankful to know that they will get better eventually," which is a feeling i echo. i'm thankful that today is friday.