i'm thankful that when i scheduled my time off a few weeks ago, i decided to go back to work today, even though now i'm kind of regretting it because d is off today and i still feel kind of wiped from our trip. i'm thankful that i feel a little of the usual apprehension about going back to work but it's not that bad and i'm thankful actually that it's a holiday today and a bunch of people are out, which will hopefully be helpful for me easing back into the flow of things. i'm thankful that i checked my work email and i had some really lovely messages from my coworkers which made me feel very glad about my job. i'm thankful that my awesome coworkers handled the tickets that were assigned to me while i was gone, which means i don't have any old ones in my queue to deal with to start the day, which is the best.
i'm thankful for the nice people we showed the house we're living in to yesterday evening. i'm thankful since our landlord didn't come because she had foot surgery, we were able to be more honest with them than we might have been otherwise, while still recommending the house (which is a place we've generally enjoyed living). i'm thankful we got our bags unpacked and i'm thankful for the cleaning that d did before they came over. i'm thankful to have done a load of laundry and that today i think i'll wash the sheets, since it's nice to have fresh sheets after a long trip. i'm thankful to have facetimed with my parents after dinner last night. i'm thankful for this picture of me with them when i was a child. i'm thankful that i love them very much and they love me very much.
i'm thankful that d and i went back to watching the most recent season kardashians after a week off and it was great. i'm thankful for how often home video footage from their childhoods has been incorporated into the show this season. i'm thankful for how it seems like a kind of show before there was a show. i'm thankful for video of kim and kourtney on a car trip doing large marge's monologue from peewee's big adventure, which was one of my family's favorite movies during my childhood. i'm thankful the sisters finally visited the cabazon dinosaurs (i'm thankful for this essay, which also features a trip to the dinosaurs and which is probably the piece of non-thank-you-notes writing i'm most proud of).
i'm thankful for kourt's struggles with a hotel door key card, which further underlines to me that she is my favorite. i'm thankful for when khloe was mocking some unflattering shorts of hers and said "but you do have a great ass" and kourt said, annoyed to still be discussing the topic, "i know, that's why i'm not concerned." i'm thankful that in palm springs the sisters play the heads up phone game and kim gets "nick lachey" and kourt says "you went on a date to a movie theater with him" and kim immediately guesses that it's nick lachey. i'm thankful for khloe's story of getting her first period at their grandparents' house in palm springs and how kris gave her a tampon instead of a pad, which was intimidating; i'm thankful for the final scene of the episode, where kris, kourt, and kim discuss whether kris could still have a baby and kim says "the ship has fucking sailed and it's in the bermuda triangle at the bottom of the ocean" but is then touched when kris says that if she thought it would be safe, she would carry a baby for kim and kourt breaks the seriousness of the moment by saying "i already offered myself so don't pretend you're the only mother theresa here."
i'm thankful that we are eating big kardashian salads for dinner this week as our bodies recover from the indulgences of our vacation. i'm thankful on my run yesterday afternoon for the little boy i saw bouncing up and down by the air conditioner exhaust as his mother gardened in another part of the yard. i'm thankful to be typing these notes on my work computer after not having used it for a week—i'm thankful for the feel of the keyboard under my fingers and the click of the keys as they're tapped. i'm thankful for the way that in my mind typing and thinking are intertwined. i'm thankful that i can use my fingers to translate what's inside my mind into a form where it can be stored and shared with you.
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