i'm thankful that i finished the first stage of a major work project i've been working on for more than a month yesterday. i'm thankful that the project, which is an integration of the product of the company i used to work at with the company i work at now, has been challenging but rewarding. i'm thankful that working on the project has helped me to know both products much better and to feel that i've done some things to get it working that are clever and represent growth in my skills. i'm thankful to be done with the first stage of the project, since it has taken up a lot of my time and mindshare and i have ideas for a bunch of other things i'm excited to work on.
i'm thankful that as a reward, i bought myself a copy of prey. i'm thankful that prey is hitting all of my videogame sweet spots and i spent many happy hours over the weekend playing it. i'm thankful that it is scary and hard but not too scary or too hard (i'm thankful for how fast and easy it is to quicksave and quickload). i'm thankful that the lore (about alien psychic manipulations by a multinational corporation on an isolated space station) is interesting. i'm thankful for the way the game handles traversal of outer space (it's set on a space station but you can go on space walks), which feels mechanically interesting and like what i would imagine it would feel like based on watching movies of people in space. i'm thankful to be interested to find out what will happen next.
i'm thankful for lust for life, which d was somewhat underwhelmed by but which is exactly what i wanted from lana right now and which i look forward to listening to over and over again. i'm thankful for yoko's schema of the seasons. i'm thankful that our neighbors' band was rehearsing loudly last night and d and i thought about it fondly, how we've been listening to them play for years and that pretty soon, we'll just stop hearing them. i'm thankful to have recorded an acoustic cover of "is this it" and that i think i am going to do the rest of that album (or at least my favorites) since the fabled ryan adams version is never going to come out. i'm thankful to return to ableton, which i hadn't used for a long time and appreciate anew.
i'm thankful that d has been very industrious about packing in preparation for our move and that i have also made steady (if less significant) progress. i'm thankful to have finally gotten the hang of a tape gun, which i never used to use in my office job because i found it fiddly and difficult. i'm thankful that this morning i am going to drop off my bike at the bike shop so my burst tube can be replaced and i can ride again. i'm thankful that i was going to cancel a dentist appointment on wednesday morning but that they don't leave their answering machine on on the weekend so i couldn't leave a cancellation message and i decided to just go anyway, even though i don't particularly feel like going to the dentist. i'm thankful this is good because it's good to go to the dentist and it has also pushed me to get my tube replaced now, since otherwise i probably would have put it off.
i'm thankful to hope that the results of the genetic test on antidepressant absorption will come in this week. i'm thankful that though i do not feel that monday is the best day of the week, i will endure it and it will pass. i'm thankful that i'm off next monday through wednesday for our move, which i'm excited about. i'm thankful to have sorted and taken out the recycling and trash yesterday so that today i just have to take them down to the street today. i'm thankful for the fancy new trash can i bought for d as one of her birthday presents (she requested it) and am thankful that it is so much better than our old trash can. i'm thankful to be able to appreciate comparative advantages of different trash cans.
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