i'm thankful for the two and a half hour meeting i had yesterday where i discussed my personality test results with the career development person and another coworker who had also taken the test. i'm thankful that i had been skeptical about a two and a half hour meeting being a good use of my time but that i was wrong and it was very therapeutic and emotionally resonant and we had to stop before we were fully finished because we had so much to say and so many questions to ask each other and the time had run out.
i'm thankful that yesterday after dinner, i took a short walk while listening to music on headphones. i'm thankful for how t
he personification of using the word "clinging" here accurately represents the feeling of when you've left your house but are still on its wifi. i'm thankful that two neighbor boys were on the sidewalk in front of the house next door when i was walking back and i nodded at them politely and one of them, apropos of nothing, said "i play fortnite" and so i talked to them about fortnite for a few minutes.
i'm thankful that last night, i used d's weighted blanket because i was curious what the experience would be like and my interactions with the weighted blanket up until that point had mostly been a) me laughing as d buries herself under it and adjusts the weights inside before falling asleep and b) trying to get it off the bed because we're going to have sex and it's in the way and being surprised (even though i know) by how heavy it is (waiting for the first romantic comedy that uses this for a bit). i'm thankful, as a person who is often too hot in bed, that the weight blanket is maybe not for me, but i'm thankful to understand that there is a certain kind of pleasure in being covered in the way it covers you.