i'm thankful that we had the nicest time we've had in a long time with our friend n last night while she visited from out of town. i'm thankful that though often i think of social interaction as draining, this is an example of it being enriching. i'm thankful that we went to the good korean restaurant for dinner and i'm thankful that though i was afraid we were going to be late, we got there exactly on time. i'm thankful for our conversations with n, which were like they always were—exuberant, silly, digressive, expansive. i'm thankful that we talked about our friend jk and maggie nelson and patricia lockwood and going to the doctor and people getting fidget spinners stuck on their dicks and children's book concepts and the complexities of friendship and. i'm thankful that i did the thing i do when i am having a good conversation at a restaurant, which is talk way too loud, which i know is bad and embarrassing but is also one of the few times in life i'm happy to be doing something bad and embarrassing. i'm thankful, though this is not something i would normally do but we were having such a good time, to have asked n to come over to our house after dinner and i'm thankful she said yes. i'm thankful we sat around our living room for hours eating strawberry kit kats and talking more, about terrace house and john berger and west virginia and religion and abortion and too many other things to count or remember. i'm thankful that we stayed up past our bedtime and i'm a little tired now but it was totally worth it. i'm thankful for our friendship and that we got to spend time with her.