i'm thankful that we had fun at the barbecue yesterday evening. i'm thankful that it was close enough that we could walk there and back. i'm thankful it was the perfect weather for a barbecue—warm enough that you can comfortably be outside the whole time but not so warm you get all sweaty. i'm thankful for grilled meat, which really does have a certain flavor you don't get from meat cooked other ways. i'm thankful to have had two bratwurst dogs and i'm thankful that d brought a batch of her chocolate chip cookies, which everyone was blown away by. i'm thankful that everyone from the band was there and we played a brief impromptu set out on the patio. i'm thankful that even though our drummer didn't have her full kit and our guitarist was on acoustic, we still sounded pretty good and it was fun to get a little playtime in.
i'm thankful that d and i stayed later than expected and that we watched the sunset and am thankful for the bonfire that the host made and that we sat around. i'm thankful for the moment when two clouds of embers were picked up by the breeze and floated around in the air like a miniature fireworks display for us. i'm thankful that though one dissolved in midair, the other one landed on the ground and i was able to watch closely as the fire danced through its body until it went out and became a clump of ash on the grass. i'm thankful to have rubbed a friendly dog. i'm thankful to have had both fun small-talk-y party conversations and to also have indulged in some gossip/shit talk conversations. i'm thankful that i didn't drink any alcohol, despite considering it a few times. i'm thankful to have heard that someone at the party had secretly filmed one of our band practices for her instagram story a while ago and i'm thankful for the humor of how narcissistic i am, since everyone else was offended at the violation of our privacy but i was just disappointed i didn't get to see myself in the video before it expired.
i'm thankful to have gone on a long run outside yesterday morning and to then have stood up for four hours at the barbecue, even though it caused my legs to be sore enough to have woken me up in the middle of the night and made the sleep my body needed harder to hold onto. i'm thankful for ibuprofen, even though it didn't really do much of anything. i'm thankful to run on the treadmill today, since that's easier on my legs. i'm thankful that i will make this soup, which we haven't had in a while, on my lunch break. i'm thankful that d made a double batch of her chocolate chip cookies, so that even though all the ones at the party were eaten, we still have a batch to eat ourselves. i'm thankful that people are weird.
i'm thankful that my weekend project of getting some basic api endpoints up and running was successful. i'm thankful to have discovered that the error about a port always being in use that i kept getting over and over despite making sure to kill all existing processes that could be using the port was eventually revealed to be because of the fact that in the file with the server, i had accidentally copied and pasted the line that starts the server listening for incoming traffic twice, such that every time it ran, it tried to run twice and did not like that. i'm thankful for the magic of being able to GET and POST to an endpoint once I got things up and running, as quick and simple as turning on a light. i'm thankful to get to experiment more.
i'm thankful that it is cold so i am typing this under my blanket. i'm thankful that since i have had a laptop, i have found this particular position comfortable, even though i know it's probably bad for my laptop because of the pressure the blanket puts on the screen hinge. i'm thankful for this watercolor painting of catdog that gigi hadid made for zayn. i'm thankful for crazy relationship stories. i'm thankful for this diss of marine le pen and this thread about abortion rights and eating a bag of dicks. i'm thankful, if you feel bummed out about it being monday, to recommend that you watch this video of a man trying to fry gnocchi.
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