i'm thankful that i posted in in our HR department's slack channel that i was having trouble writing the constructive criticism i was supposed to write for five of my teammates, even though it felt kind of embarrassing to post, since other people immediately said that they were having the same problem, which made me feel good i had put myself out there, and there were some helpful ideas and tips. i'm thankful that i finished all of my feedback last night—i'm thankful that though i have been working a lot harder not to work outside of work hours, i just needed to do it last night so i didn't have it hanging over me.
i'm thankful that i am still listening to
golden hour all the time (i'm thankful that two of my best friends at work also love it/her) and it has the true mark of a great album to me, which is that i have a new favorite song every couple days. i'm thankful for my current favorite, "
butterflies." i'm thankful for the jaunty flanged lead synth string part, a musical enactment of a butterfly flitting to and fro in a sunbeam. i'm thankful in the pre-chorus for how the melody lands hard (both metrically and in terms of pitch) on the last word of each line ("
now you're lifting me up instead of holding me down stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown"). i'm thankful for the reintroduction of the chorus harmonies into the second verse which lends to the sense of building/growing/changing ("
kiss full of color makes me wonder where you've always been / i was hiding in doubt till you brought me out of my chrysalis / and I came out new"). i'm thankful for the keyboard chords backbone bouncing on the downbeats.
i'm thankful that at the end of the day yesterday it was 62 degrees, which was as warm as it's been all year, and that after dinner d and i decided to take a walk on the trail through the woods near our house. i'm thankful, after a couple of stumbles, i figured out the right syntax to ask alexa when the sun would set (it set just after 8). i'm thankful for springtime, that the boughs of the dogwoods in the yards on the way to the path to the trail are already in fuller flower than they were just a few days ago. i'm thankful that though construction of a new access road has resulted in the woods around part of the trail being thinned out somewhat, i know that when the leaves come in, that will fill out some of the space and bring back shade. i'm thankful it's going to be even warmer today and tomorrow than it was yesterday. i'm thankful for thaws. i'm thankful for