i'm thankful that today is my last day at this job. i'm thankful that yesterday was perhaps the busiest craziest day we have had in a while, which is really saying something and which made me feel happier about leaving. i'm thankful for the care package of homemade chocolate treats that my coworker sent me as a goodbye present. i'm thankful for all of it, but especially the toffee covered with almonds, which is my favorite. i'm thankful that i was supposed to have an onboarding call with a new client but he didn't show up, which gave me some "extra" time to answer other messages that was helpful. i'm thankful that my favorite coworker is off today for her birthday but said she was going to get online so she could say a proper goodbye and i told her that the best gift she could give me would be not looking at her computer on her day off, so we went ahead and said goodbye/aloha yesterday.
i'm thankful that tomorrow we are going to knoxville to visit d's work bfff. i'm thankful that i am not particularly looking forward to this, but i'm thankful to know that it will probably be fine and might even be fun. i'm thankful that we are only going to stay for one night because neither of us likes long visits. i'm thankful they have a puppy, which will make d very happy in and of itself. i'm thankful to hope that we can avoid getting into a bitter fight about politics (they are republicans, he thinks and feels bile rising in his throat) and can have a nice time together. i'm thankful to hope that neither of them uses the phrase "socially liberal, but fiscally conservative" because i do not think i will be able to prevent myself angrily snorting if they do.
i'm thankful that d has found a way to maintain a friendship that is sustaining and enriching and valuable with someone with very different beliefs than she has, which i find impressive and which is good. i'm thankful to like her work bff as a person too and that we had lots of fun conversations together at our last team reunion (before the election). i'm thankful that i think we are going to go to some wineries on our afternoon together. i'm thankful that though i can't really drink that much anymore, there are other ways to have fun and i can still have tastes of things. i'm thankful that my stomach has been pretty good lately, despite various stresses.
i'm thankful for the discussion in the terrace house panel about why women get haircuts after breakups and for the pseudo-mystical comment that one panelist made that it's because "the feelings linger in the ends of the hair." i'm thankful that we realized that the next season of terrace house has (mostly) the same cast and so we have many more episodes to watch. i'm thankful we were both very tired from work last night and so ordered a pizza. i'm thankful for mushrooms and onions and pepperoni. i'm thankful that sometimes i put fish sauce on pizza, which i know is obscene, and often sriracha, which adds a nice spice. i'm thankful that though most of the snow melted, there is still a bit of it left.
i'm thankful that we don't have band practice this week, even though i wanted to have one to build on the momentum of last week's practice. i'm thankful to have been practicing by myself solo and to feel that i'm getting better at playing bass. i'm thankful for the interesting changes in muscle memory that have to take place after playing guitar for so many years because of the different length of the frets. i'm thankful for the physical sensation of holding down a bass string with my left hand's fingers and sounding it with my right hand's fingers. i'm thankful to have been stretching out my hands so i can reach more frets. i'm thankful for the looper function on my effects pedal and for the built-in drum machine.
i'm thankful that today is friday and then i will have a whole week off before starting my new job the next monday. i'm thankful to have plans of things i want to do, which include: meditating and doing yoga every day, cooking a new recipe, getting my bike fixed, finishing and releasing the web app i've been working on, playing more with node and with my raspberry pi, playing a new videogame (maybe stardew valley, maybe dishonored 2), going on a nice long run, and doing some homework to hopefully prep a bit for my new job. i'm thankful that today is friday, i'm thankful that today is friday, i'm thankful that today is friday.
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