i'm thankful that though i fucked up the pho, not because of the lack of ginger but because i couldn't find whole cloves so i used ground cloves and i have a heavy hand with spices, it was okay because we had other food to eat. i'm thankful that this was the case, since i remember when i was in college and i made some spaghetti sauce to eat for the coming week and it was way too salty but i didn't have other food or a way to get to the grocery store anyway so i just had to kind of add some sugar to try to balance it out and then deal with it. i'm thankful that instead of eating pho that tasted like cloves last night i had two microwaved frozen pretzels and several oranges and d had some packaged refrigerated ravioli.
i'm thankful we had a nice face time with my parents, who are currently in australia and who because of the time difference we hadn't spoken with in a couple of weeks. i'm thankful that we went through the stack of forwarded mail that d has been carefully compiling for them. i'm thankful for a fascinating conversation where my dad was talking about how he feels bad because he isn't getting the comments he used to get on his facebook posts and worries people don't like him as much anymore and then, in talking about posting videos on youtube, said he puts them up and wants people to watch them, but doesn't want to make any effort to promote them so that people will actually watch them, which made d laugh out loud because it is a sentiment i have expressed to her about my own creative work many times (i'm thankful, i guess, that i get it honest). i'm thankful that i think d and i convinced him that instagram was the best venue for his stuff now. i'm thankful for the video he sent me of going into the indian ocean with a go-pro on his head and the go-pro getting ripped off by a wave and getting pulled around underwater for the tides for several minutes before he and my mom found it. i'm thankful when we find things we've lost.